Welcome at Leeuwenbergh

Welcome at Leeuwenbergh

On this page you will find the most important information about membership, greenfees and our facilities. If you have any questions or suggestions on how to make this page more complete, please contact the administration office.

Contact information

Caddiemaster (for questions regarding bookings)
Email: caddiemaster@leeuwenbergh.nl
Telephone: 070 – 395 4556

Administration office (for additional questions)
Email: secretariaat@leeuwenbergh.nl
Telephone: 070 – 399 1096


Leeuwenbergh offers members a well maintained golf course, where you can improve your skills, participate in weekly club matches and above all have a good time.

Unfortunately, there currently is a waiting list for new members. After filling out your application form, you will automatically be placed on the waiting list. Depending on the number of members resigning each year, it could take up to two years before your membership can be activated. The one time payment of the registration fee will be deducted from your first yearly fee once your membership is in order.


At Leeuwenbergh we have several forms of membership (see below). The membership prices mentioned refer to the year 2025. When you click on your preferred form of membership, you will come to a page where you can find the corresponding application form at the bottom of the page. Unfortunately, we don’t have the additional membership information and the application form in English yet. So if you have any questions or difficulties with filling out the application form, please contact the administration office and we will be happy to help you.

  • Membership A

    From 26 years
    Annual fee: € 1.556,00
    Entrance fee: € 300,00

  • Membership B

    From 26 years
    Annual fee: € 1.326,00
    Entrance fee: € 1.200,00

  • Twilight membership

    For late starts
    Annual fee: € 919,00
    Entrance fee: € 300,00

  • Expat membership

    From 26 years
    Annual fee: € 1.775,00
    No entrance fee, max four years

  • Young Professionals

    From 26 to 45 years
    Annual fee: from € 519,00
    Entrance fee: € 300,00

  • Youth

    To 18 years
    Annual fee: from € 111,00

  • Juniors and students

    19 to 25 years
    Annual fee: € 334,00

  • Paragolf

    For people with a physical disability
    Membership on request

  • Golfassociation

    Handicap registration
    Annual fee: € 72,00

  • SuperGolf

    Additional playing right
    Four associations
    Extra contribution: € 190,00

  • Bronze Lion

    Company member: € 3.186,00

    2nd member: € 2.095

  • Silver Lion

    Company member: € 3.517,00
    2nd member: € 2.095,00

  • Golden Lion

    Company member: € 4.063,00
    2nd member: € 2.095,00


Greenfee players

To book a tee time, you can book online or contact the caddiemaster. You are able to book a flight five days before the required date. All people in the group need to report to the caddiemaster no later than thirty minutes before the tee time, and need to be present at the starting tee ten minutes before the teetime.


Please note: if you play 18 holes, your starting time at hole 10 will be registered as exactly two hours after your teetime on hole 1. If you arrive at hole 10 later, players starting on hole 10 (who only play the second nine holes) are allowed to start before you.

Greenfee prices

These greenfee prices refer to the year 2025

**You may be introduced three times by a member of Leeuwenbergh


Regular prices

Introduction prices **






Monday to Sunday

€ 79,00   

€ 48,00      

€ 48,00      

€ 29,00      

Twilight from 3:00 pm

(April to October)

€ 51,00

€ 31,00    



Twilight from 1:00 pm
(November to March)

€ 46,00

€ 26,00



Youth (18 years or younger)

€ 11,00

€ 11,00 








Monday to Sunday

€ 57,00

€ 34,00

€ 34,00

€ 21,00

Twilight from 3:00 pm
(April to October)

€ 37,00

€ 22,00    



Twilight from 1:00 pm
(November to March)

€ 33,00

€ 20,00



Youth (18 years or younger)

€ 11,00

€ 11,00





Other prices


Driving range: you can pay with your debit or credit card at the ball dispenser

€ 2,50 for 20 balls

Pull trolley, to rent via the Golfshop

€ 5,00

Buggy for card holders of stichting handicart

€ 6,00

Buggy for other guests (card holders always have a higher priority when it comes to renting a buggy)

€ 30,00

Also at Leeuwenbergh


At Restaurant Leeuwenbergh you can enjoy breakfast, lunch , dinner and drinks in a friendly environment. It is also an ideal location for meetings and parties. At the bar they will be happy to inform and discuss the possibilities with you.

Contact information Restaurant
Tel: 070 319 33 40
Email: horeca@leeuwenbergh.nl 



Golfshop Leeuwenbergh situated opposite the caddy master desk offers a wide range of clubs, bags, clothing and footwear as well as personal advice. It is also possible to make an appointment for personal club fitting.

Contact information Golfshop – Jos Berlijn
Tel: 070 -307 0488
Mobile: 06 5394 8864
Email: golfshop@leeuwenbergh.nl



Our Golfacademy Leeuwenbergh offers a wide range of lessons, trainings, and clinics. Leeuwenbergh’s professionals are specialised in  adjusting their way of teaching to the golf player, which makes the Golf Academy a place for everyone to develop their skills: young and older players whether beginners or experienced. You can contact our pro Pascal Lamberigts to discuss which form of training or lessons fits best to your wishes and for additional questions regarding developing your skills. 

Contact information Golfacademy – Pascal Lamberigts
Tel:  070 307 0488
Mobile: 06 3406 4176
Email: golfacademy@leeuwenbergh.nl